Guidelines for Designing Digital WBL & Remote Experiential Activity
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The focus of the Deal with digital work-based learning (D-WBL) project is on providing training opportunities for the design of Digital WBL experiences.
To contribute to this main objective, we have create a Guidelines gathering different digital technologies with respect to innovative pedagogies, in which the Trainer can orientate him/herself for the choice of the most appropriate approaches based on the learning objectives that the Digital Work-based Learning experience will have to achieve for the students.
Trough this guidelines you can find a brief theoretical overview about Digital WBL, collecting the main content of the knowledge generated in the research process: literature review and stakeholders experience give shape to five sections related to the five main topics on which D-WBL is based:
“Compentences in D-WBL for VET”, “Teaching-learning methodologies”, “Interaction-networked community”, “Content and resources” and “Assessment”.
After these theorical background, the guidelines links to an online tool to evaluate a specific digital VET practice. This VET Practice Evaluation Tool (VPET) will help you to reflect on a VET practice that you are developing or implementing.
Finally, the guidelines presents a set of existing good practices from different countries and contexts, and examples of how to use VPET to evaluate some of these good practices.