Project Partners
The Deal with Digital Work-Based Learning project brings together an innovative Consortium made up of 8 partners from 5 European Countries: VET providers, research centres, SMEs and non-governmental associations. The partnership, led by SFC Sistemi Formativi Confindustria, was set up following the identification of excellence in the areas of digitisation applied to WBL and VET systems.
All the entities that make up the partnership are strategic and relevant to the project.
On the one hand we have the university world represented by UOC , Duale University and PANKO that will guide us into the methodological framework and VET competencies. These institutions are the educational excellence references we need to deal with digital WBL
On the other hand we have relevant associations of SME, unions of industry chambers and entrepreneurs represented by HANSE PARLAMENT, IPOSZ, CIS and SFC that will contribute with the proximity with businesses.
Finally we have Dinamo that is an excellence in the use of digital solutions that will facilitate the use of the project products.

SFC, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria
SFC, is a training organisation registered under the national L.40/1987 and accredited for training and career guidance services by the Lazio Region. SFC is a consortium of 70 members distributed among VET Providers..
SFC, is a training organisation registered under the national L.40/1987 and accredited for training and career guidance services by the Lazio Region. SFC is a consortium of 70 members distributed among VET Providers, operating at regional, national and international level. Our main shareholder is Confindustria that is the General Confederation of Italian Industry, Other members' groups represent I-VET and C-VET Providers specialised in different sector and territories, as SIAV VENETO, CISITA PARMA, UMANA FORMA, ECOLE, LUISS Business School, Conforma Basilicata and a further 25 VET Providers which provide training for local companies.

CIS, Scuola per la gestione d’impresa
CIS, is the Business and Management School of the Association of Enterpreneurs of Reggio Emilia ( Unindustria). CIS designs and delivers training and consultancy actions in order to: align the competence of employees to organizational and technological..
CIS, is the Business and Management School of the Association of Enterpreneurs of Reggio Emilia ( Unindustria). CIS designs and delivers training and consultancy actions in order to: align the competence of employees to organizational and technological changes, support the transition to work of young unemployed, re-skill or up skill adults to enter or re- enter the labour market. CIS is the owner of the Human and Technology Training Centre (HTTC), a laboratory equipped with the latest digital manufacturing technologies, dedicated for training young recent graduates, managers and workers, and unemployed who want to update their technical skills for Industry 4.0.

PANKO, Panevėžio kolegija/Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences
PANKO, was founded in 2002. The Public High Education institution is located in Panevėžys, the fifth largest city in Lithuania. Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences is innovative, active and attractive to Lithuanian and foreign students’ higher school..
PANKO, Panevėžio kolegija/Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences, was founded in 2002. The Public High Education institution is located in Panevėžys, the fifth largest city in Lithuania. Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences is innovative, active and attractive to Lithuanian and foreign students’ higher school, recognized as leading in entrepreneurship development, mobilizing society and economic operators in creation of studies, business and science synergies for Panevėžys region and national progress University has long experience in creating digital distant learning educational programs including experience of recording and broadcasting electronic lectures. Students can access study materials online, communicate and receive support from the lecturers.

UOC, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
UOC, is one of the leading online higher education universities in the world; it is currently attended by more than 70,000 students. The main objective of the UOC is to be the university of the knowledge society, promoting innovative education..
UOC, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, is one of the leading online higher education universities in the world; it is currently attended by more than 70,000 students. The main objective of the UOC is to be the university of the knowledge society, promoting innovative education, personalised learning, technological leadership, research and development work on the information society and e-Learning.

IPOSZ is the Hungarian Association of Craft Cooperatives with independent legal personality.
IPOSZ, it operates with 147 different regional organisations and 19 professional organisations with offices all over the country. The member companies, about 30,000, work in more than 200 craft trades..
IPOSZ, it operates with 147 different regional organisations and 19 professional organisations with offices all over the country. The member companies, about 30,000, work in more than 200 craft trades. A significant proportion of them have been employing apprentices for decades. Has extensive practice, especially in the field of dual practical training, in the practical vocational training of students. IPOSZ is involved in the network of schools and specialised institutions that provide vocational theoretical training.

DHBW, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
DHBW, with its headquarters in Stuttgart and 35,000 students is the largest university in southern Germany and the third to be granted degree awarding status through institutional accreditation in Germany..
DHBW, with its headquarters in Stuttgart and 35,000 students is the largest university in southern Germany and the third to be granted degree awarding status through institutional accreditation in Germany. DHBW has implemented an award-winning digital strategy in its innovative teaching and learning model. In addition to the integration of international and European research, it is also entering into highly innovative partnerships with local companies in order to implement cooperative research projects.

Dinamo 3d is an SME composed of three business units: Dinamo 3D, Dinamo Lab and Dinamo ADV
Dinamo 3D deal with the creation and production of animated videos, mainly three-dimensional and adopting cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality..
Dinamo 3D deal with the creation and production of animated videos, mainly three-dimensional and adopting cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Dinamo Lab is an incubator for innovative start-ups that intends to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the territory, mentoring activities and financial and commercial scouting. Dinamo ADV offer cutting-edge solutions for online communication, ranging from the creation of websites to the management of new media.

Hanse-Parlament was founded in 1994 as an association of 50 chambers of industry, commerce and handicrafts from 13 countries. The members represent more than 475,000 SMEs in the whole Baltic Sea region. The overall objective is to promote small and medium-sized..
Hanse-Parlament was founded in 1994 as an association of 50 chambers of industry, commerce and handicrafts from 13 countries. The members represent more than 475,000 SMEs in the whole Baltic Sea region. The overall objective is to promote small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular by strengthening cooperation with educational and research institutions. Since 2008, there has been a strong focus on work-based learning projects. Improving vocational training in the EU is a particular priority for our organisation.