Associated Partners

EfVET - European Forum of Tehcnical and Vocational Education and Training
EfVET is based in Brussels and represents over 1500 VET Institutions in Europe reaching out to approximately 600 000 learners and 50 000 VET professionals, with links to the global state of Technical and Vocational Education and Training.

EPA gathers the parents associations in Europe which together represent more than 150 million parents. EPA works in partnership both to represent and give to parents a powerful voice in the development of education policies and decisions at European level.

CGD - Coordinamento Genitori Democratici Onlus
CGD works at Italian national level and in its territorial associations, to affirm a culture of childhood and adolescence in the various educational contexts inspired by the values of secularism, democracy, freedom and equality of the Republican Constitution

Tknika - Centre for research and applied innovation in vet
Tknika is a centre promoted by the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Education and Training of the Education Department of the Basque Government. Innovation and applied research are at the core of Tknika in its ongoing efforts to place Basque Vocational Training at the European forefront.