Digital WBL project intends to enhance the use of digital tools for the design, delivery and assessment of VET training, with a special focus on the WBL – work-based learning methodology.


Based on a strong stakeholder consultation process, the project team identified a strict number of practices related to the use of digital tools for WBL in VET courses. Some examples have been collected in the Guidelines available on the website. Moreover, Digital WBL would explore the Ai, the VR/AR application in this specific field of training.

1.      In your recent experience, have you ever used a digital device (i.w. a simulator, a VR helmet, VR glasses and other digital devices) to support and enhance the training experience?

In which training area have you used it? What results have you and your students achieved? Please, give us a brief description


We have extensively utilised VR helmets and VR glasses, during the last 2 years, to deliver a specific training module related to a very interesting project: couples in Korea would love to      spend their Honeymoon in Italy, but tend to be concerned about the real, quality of hotels in Italy (i.e. gap between beautiful pictures on a brochure and actual overall appearance). One of our client Companies digitalised several hotel rooms and delivered such “product” to Korean Travel Agencies, asking us to “train-the-trainer” to such new services offered to prospect Honeymooners. We thus trained Travel Agents on this new digital application through VR/AR applications, and I have to say with great success and interest.


2.      Why do you participate in the DEAL Ambassador Programme within the “Deal with Digital WBL” project?

 Because I would give a significant contribution to change a somehow wrong impression: that digitalization is actually affecting only a minor part of our every-day learning environment, while it is exactly the contrary: a Work based Learning can be much better and faster implemented through digital tools and access to opportunities generated by such unique educational tools.


3.      What are your 3 main expectations from participation in the programme?

     Being a VET professor and Trainer who has constantly adjusted his teaching approach to a Digital work-based learning, both fully digital and/or  of a hybrid type, I would like to give a strong contribution and get adjusted to a more effective use of digital tools to support the work-based learning experience: my aim is to let other Professionals know that it is not difficult to enlarge their comfort zone and jump into a better, easier, yes challenging but also appealing and interesting digital dimension of teaching and training.