Deal with digital work-based learning (D-WBL) is an Erasmus+ project developed by an international Consortium made up of 8 partners from 5 European countries, centers of excellence in the areas of digitisation applied to Work-based Learning and Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems:

SFC, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria

PANKO, Panevėžio kolegija/Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences

IPOSZ is the Hungarian Association of Craft Cooperatives with independent legal personality

Dinamo 3d is an SME composed of three business units: Dinamo 3D, Dinamo Lab and Dinamo ADV

CIS, Scuola per la gestione d’impresa

UOC, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

DHBW, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

Hanse-Parlament, Network for Small and Medium Enterprises

The focus of the project is on providing training opportunities for the design of Digital WBL experiences. The aim of this guide is to assist all people involved in Vocational Education Training to understand, reflect on and improve practices in Digital Work-Based Learning.

For this, we have had the collaboration of multiple stakeholders from different countries.
Their contributions allow us to answer some questions from new challenges in VET on its
way to a more extensive and deep digitization.

Trough this guidelines you can find a brief theoretical overview about Digital WBL,
collecting the main content of the knowledge generated in the research process: literature review and stakeholders experience give shape to five sections related to the five main topics on which D-WBL is based:

“Compentences in D-WBL for VET”, “Teaching-learning methodologies”, “Interactionnetworked community”, “Content and resources” and “Assessment”.

After these theorical background, the guidelines links to an online tool to evaluate a specific digital VET practice. This VET Practice Evaluation Tool (VPET) will help you to reflect on a VET practice that you are developing or implementing.

Finally, the guidelines presents a set of existing good practices from different countries and contexts, and examples of how to use VPET to evaluate some of these good practices.

Thanking you in advance for your interest in this guidelines, we hope that it can contribute to the development of best practices in Digital Work Based Learning.